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Rock64 Kubernetes Cluster

In early 2019 I built a three-node Kubernetes cluster on arm64 Rock64 hardware (rev 2). The cluster itself was purchased from PicoCluster. For more information about bootstrapping, refer to Bootstrapping Rock64 Kubernetes Cluster.

Cluster Details

The cluster has three nodes: two workers, and one leader. Storage for the cluster is provided with Rook via Ceph. I chose to use MetalLB to provide ad-hoc load balancers for Services running in the cluster.


On March 12th, 2019, the Google Open Source Blog announced the creation of the Continuous Delivery Foundation, and that Google was contributing tekton to the CDF. Unfortunately, the install procedure only supports amd64 architectures, which meant that it wouldn’t run on my brand new arm64 cluster. I spent time successfully porting the project to run on my arm64 hardware. In fact, the first build of thedoh/musl-cross:1.1.20 was built with the pipeline in my cluster.